Install Composer for deploying a Laravel web application

(This is part of a larger guide to deploying a Laravel and Vue.js web application.)

This article shows how to install Composer, the standard package manager for PHP, and how to install the PHP packages required for serving a Laravel application.

You might also like this guide from Digital Ocean on the same topic.

Possibly create a swap file

You need about 2 GB of RAM to comfortably install Composer packages. If your server has less than 2 GB RAM, consider creating and activating a swap file to make up for the missing RAM (the swap file lets the server use hard disk space to supplement RAM):

# Create a 1 GB swap file (adjust as needed to get about 2 GB total swap + RAM)
root@server$ dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=1M count=1024 status=progress
root@server$ chmod 0600 /swapfile
root@server$ mkswap /swapfile
root@server$ swapon /swapfile

If you want to permanently keep the swap file, you need to add an entry in the /etc/fstab file. To do this, open /etc/fstab and at the bottom (carefully!) place the following line:

# Place this line at the bottom of /etc/fstab
/swapfile none swap defaults 0 0

You can then confirm the swap file is active and in use with e.g. free -h.

Install Composer

First install dependencies for installing Composer (which you should have installed earlier, but I’m listing them here just in case):

# Dependencies for installing Composer 
# (curl downloads Composer, unzip unpackages it, and php-cli is needed to run it)
root@server$ apt install curl unzip php-cli 

We’ll perform the installation with Composer’s official installer. I’m essentially following the official instructions; here is what to do:

# Change into your home directory.
# (Or really just somewhere you can keep track of the downloaded files.)
root@server$ cd

# Download the Composer installer and save it to the file `composer-setup.php`
root@server$ curl -o composer-setup.php

We’ll then perform a cryptographic verification of the installer’s integrity (to ensure the installer hasn’t been corrupted or tampered with):

# Retrieve the latest Composer installer hash.
# You use this hash to verify the integrity of the Composer installer
root@server$ HASH=`curl -sS`

# Verify installer's hash before actually installing Composer.
root@server$ php -r "if (hash_file('SHA384', 'composer-setup.php') === '${HASH}') { echo 'Installer verified'; } else { echo 'Installer corrupt'; unlink('composer-setup.php'); } echo PHP_EOL;"

Assuming the installer was verified, you’re safe to run the installer:

# Assuming the hash is verified, install Composer (in `/usr/local/bin` to avoid
# conflicting with packages managed by your package manager)
root@server$ php composer-setup.php --install-dir=/usr/local/bin --filename=composer

The last step installs Composer at /usr/local/bin/composer. You can safely delete the composer-setup.php script after completing the installation.

Next: The next article shows how to install Node.js and NPM.

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