Battery level alert

(This is part of a larger series on finding your footing on Arch Linux.)

Last modified: 12 October 2024

Goal: Create a desktop notification when battery falls below a threshold percentage of your choice.

Motivation: Remind you to charge your battery, which will happily drain completely if given the chance. And then your laptop’s dead, and you have to find a charger, reboot and restart all your programs, and who wants to do that?

Dependencies: This guide works on the X Window System. You should first set up X if you have not yet done so.

Reference: ArchWiki: Desktop notifications.

Screenshot of a simple low battery level alert.


First install the libnotify package, which is a package for sending desktop notifications.

Set up a notification server

Using libnotify requires a notification server. Most standard desktop environments (DEs) have a built-in notification server; if you don’t use a DE (e.g. you use only a window manager) you’ll probably need to set up a standalone notification server.

Do you need a notification server?

After installing libnotify, try running notify-send "Hello, world!" from the command line. If this produces a “Hello, world!” notification (probably in the top right of your screen inside a white rectangle with rounded corners), you’re good to go—skip to the next section. No notification appearing? Then you need a standalone notification server—here’s what to do:

  1. Install the notification-daemon package

  2. Create the /usr/share/dbus-1/services/ directory (if necessary), inside it create the file org.freedesktop.Notifications.service, and inside the file add the following:

    [D-BUS Service]

After this (you may need to restart your X session) a shell command like notify-send "Hello world!" should produce a visible GUI desktop notification. Reference: ArchWiki: Desktop notifications: standalone.

Check battery level programmatically

This is easiest using the built-in acpi command with the -b flag. Here’s an example acpi output for a discharging battery at 60% capacity:

$ acpi -b
Battery 0: Discharging, 60%, 03:54:00 remaining
Bonus: View battery status through the sysfs file system

You can also interface with the battery using Linux’s sysfs file system, which lives in the /sys directory. Battery information typically lives in the directory /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0 (you might also have a BAT1 directory if your laptop has two batteries installed). We’ll work with the following files within /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0:

  • The capacity file holds current battery capacity in percentage.
  • The status file holds the battery’s charging status (e.g. Charging, Discharging).

You can check the battery and status programmatically by cat-ing the contents of a battery’s sysfs files:

# Example: a discharging battery at 60% capacity
$ cat /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/capacity
$ cat /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/status

Script with battery alert logic

I suggest using the script suggested in ArchWiki: Laptop/Hibernate on low battery level. Place the script in any easily-accessible part of your file system; I use ${HOME}/scripts/

The script uses acpi and awk to check if the battery is discharging and, if it is, if the battery capacity is less than the specified threshold. If so, the script sends a desktop notification with notify-send.

# You could place this script in e.g. `${HOME}/scripts/`

threshold=15  # threshold percentage to trigger alert

# Use `awk` to capture `acpi`'s percent capacity ($2) and status ($3) fields
# and read their values into the `status` and `capacity` variables
acpi -b | awk -F'[,:%]' '{print $2, $3}' | {
  read -r status capacity

  # If battery is discharging with capacity below threshold
  if [ "${status}" = Discharging -a "${capacity}" -lt ${threshold} ];
    # Send a notification that appears for 300000 ms (5 min)
    notify-send -t 300000 "Charge your battery!"

Remember to make the script executable (e.g. chmod +x

Try playing with the threshold value and running the script manually (e.g. sh—you should get a “Charge your battery!” notification as long as your current battery capacity is below threshold. (You could set threshold=101 to guarantee a notification.)

The last step is to create a systemd unit to run the above script automatically.

Create a notification service and timer

Plan: create a systemd user service to run, and then create a systemd timer to periodically run the service. (It might be helpful to browse through ArchWiki: systemd/User if it’s your first time writing systemd units.)

Create battery alert service

Create the file ~/.config/systemd/user/alert-battery.service and inside it paste

Description=Desktop alert warning of low remaining battery

# Change username and modify path to script as needed


This service unit runs the script; setting the unit’s Type to oneshot ensures the battery alert service completes before any other systemd units run; Type=oneshot is standard practice for units that start short-running shell scripts. The ~/.config/systemd/user directory is the standard location for user units.

Create timer

Create the file ~/.config/systemd/user/alert-battery.timer and inside it paste

Description=Check battery status every few minutes to warn the user in case of low battery
# Set `Requires` to the name of the battery alert service

# Define when and how the timer activates
# Start 1 minute after boot...
# ...and again every 5 minutes after `alert-battery.service` runs


The timer will run the alert-battery.service unit 1 minute after boot and then periodically every 5 minutes after alert-battery.service last activated. See the OPTIONS section in man 5 systemd.timer for more on timer options.

Note: Confusion around OnUnitActiveSec:
There is some confusion online about using OnUnitActiveSec to periodically run Type=oneshot services. The theoretical problem is that OnUnitActiveSec runs relative to when the unit it triggers becomes active, but Type=oneshot units never become active—see e.g. timer doesn’t fire #6680. But the OnUnitActiveSec and Type=oneshot combination has worked well for me, and systemd issue #21600 rightly points out that the OnUnitActiveSec and Type=oneshot combination is used in official systemd examples. So I’m not sure if there is currently a problem or not. If anyone reading this knows the best-practice way to run a Type=oneshot service once at boot and periodically thereafter, please let me know!

Reload and start timer

Use daemon-reload to tell systemd you’ve created new unit files, then start and enable the timer service:

systemctl --user daemon-reload
systemctl --user enable --now alert-battery.timer

# Optionally check that the timer is active
systemctl --user list-timers

Note that you only enable and start the alert-battery.timer unit and not the .service unit. The battery alert system should be ready after this step.

Troubleshooting: If the timer fails to enable with a message along the lines of Failed to enable unit: Unit file ~/.config/systemd/user/ does not exist., just create the empty directory ~/.config/systemd/user/ Explanation: enabling units requires creating symlinks, and systemctl is complaining because the directory in which it would create a symlink does not exist yet. Creating the directory solves the problem.

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