Physical measurements
Course description
Fizikalna merjenja is a required course for third-year undergraduates in the FMF physics program. These notes are from the summer semester of the 2020-21 academic year, when the course was taught by professor Dejan Cvetko (lecture) and asst. professor Gregor Kladnik (exercises). The course covers a medley of practical topics in data processing, statistics, analog electronics, and control theory; specific topics include:
- optimally combining dependent and independent measurements
- the Kalman filter for tracking scalar and vector variables
- statistics: parameter estimation, goodness-of-fit tests, linear least squares
- sensors: the Laplace transform, transfer functions, and Bode plots
- basic analog electronics: input and output impedance, negative feedback, operational and instrumentation amplifiers, common op-amp circuits
- Nyquist (thermal) noise: power spectral density and propagation through linear systems
- basic principles of systems with negative feedback
- practical techniques: lock-in detection, phase-locked loops, displacement sensors