About me

Here is my résumé and contact info.
And here is some information about me:
- I'm Slovene-American and grew up between New York, Ljubljana, and California.
- I went to high school in Orange County, California and returned to Slovenia for university, where I completed a bachelor's degree in physics at the University of Ljubljana.
I work professionally on programmatically extracting useful information from biomechanical time series data at TMG-BMC, a biomechanics and kinesiology company that makes non-invasive sensors for quantifying muscle function in professional athletes and medical patients.
Since graduating high-school I've also worked as a tutor, both officially and freelancing, to help people learn physics, math, and programming; recently I'm also adding web development to my professional skillset.
- Hobbies include: just about any physical activity (here's a 90-second workout video from when I was training football/soccer seriously), food and cooking, teaching and watching people learn, power-user software in the Linux ecosystem, building things, growing food, being outside, time with friends and family. In the spring of 2023 I discovered Cuban salsa, aka Casino, and quickly became obsessed—you can now find me most Friday nights at CubanaLJ in Ljubljana :)
About this website
The website is a static site built with the Hugo static site generator.
Long-form tutorial articles are written in Markdown; standalone pages, and components like the navigation menu and footer, are written in HTML for finer-grained control over design. A sprinkling of vanilla JavaScript is used to implement the mobile navigation bar and the dark/light theme switcher, although I've done my best to make this website completely functional without JavaScript.
- I use Tailwind CSS for styling, and the font used on this site is Inter.
- The website is hosted on Netlify.
- The website's source code is available on GitHub; here is the license if you want to reuse or adapt the website.